Experience a doctor's care at a nurse-run clinic
Get safe, walk-in, low-cost care from a Videomed GP with the personal touch that a nurse's care brings.
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How it works image
Pop by your local clinic
- no need to book!
Experience the personal
care of a nurse
Video-call a GP, if needed,
within minutes
Nurse at desk image
Pop by your local clinic
- no need to book!
Nurse with patient image
Video-call a GP, if needed,
within minutes
Doctor on screen image
Experience the personal
care of a nurse
How it works icon

Affordable healthcare
with pop-in convenience

At clinics and pharmacies powered by Healthforce™, you benefit from the hands-on care of a nurse and can connect to a doctor via video call within minutes. This efficiency makes quality healthcare quicker to access and easier to afford.

A team of experts
when you need them

Our General Practitioners are available 7 days a week, during clinic hours. All our doctors are knowledgeable, HPCSA-registered and well-experienced in video consultations.
See our doctors on demand, no booking needed.

Meet our doctors
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Easy to access,
wherever you are

From your closest Dis-Chem clinic to a wide range of independent pharmacies, Healthforce™ powers over 450 clinic rooms across South Africa.

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Nurse icon
5 000 000+
Nurse consults
Nurse icon
300 000+
Doctor Videomed consults

Secure, trustworthy
and compliant

So far, Healthforce™ has successfully handled over 5 million nurse consults and more than 300 000 video consults with a doctor. We take our professional obligations seriously and our services are compliant with all relevant legislation and regulations.

Read our FAQs

Covered by insurance

We've partnered with Discovery and many other medical schemes and insurers to help cover your clinic visit.

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Find a Healthforce™
clinic near you

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With Healthforce™,
your nurse can:

Capture your medical history
Physically examine you
Call a GP and send them photos
Assist with vaccinations, contra-
ception and basic health checks

Your Healthforce™
doctor can:

Direct your nurse to perform specific checks or run extra tests
Provide a full set of clinical diagnoses
Write prescriptions
Write sick notes and referral letters
Give medical advice

You can complete a Discovery Vitality Health Check at any clinic powered by Healthforce™. Earn up to 22 500 Vitality points by popping in to complete these essential screenings today.

You can also get your Healthy Heart Score by completing a Momentum Multiply health assessment. Get cash back and discounts based on your Healthy Heart Score, Active Dayz™ (or fitness level) and your Multiply Premier status.

Dis-Chem logoPharmacy at Spar logoDiscovery logoMedshield logoKaelo logoKeyhealth logoSasolmed LogoUnity Health logo
Teach emerge award logo

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